I know I mentioned before that my youngest, Zach, was a catagorey 5 hurricaine, but just listen to how our morning went....
This morning sarted like any other school day, I got up, got Zach up, started waking Bekah up, poured Zach a cup of his "milk" and gave him a cereal bar, called for Bekah again, poured Bobby Choclate milk, made Bekahs lunch, called for Her again and this time she emerged still half asleep asking for her fruity pebbles in milk, filled her breakfast order, filled her water bottle, hear Zach following behind Jason "helping" him ready for work, give Zach 10g lucky charms in little bowl, packed Bekahs backpack, hear lucky charms spill decide to find out where later, put in a load of laundry, locate clothes for Bekah, hear Zach being told to leave stuff (computer cats, Jasons books all ready to take to work, alarm clock...) alone and go eat his cereal, find cereal spill on my bedroom floor, pick up cereal and make sure Zach still has some left, fill out Zachs diet record to mail later, say good bye to Bekah and Jason, make a cinnamon toast for Bobby, mix todays supply of milk for Zach, refill Zachs cup, switch over laundry from earlier, make myself a bagel and pour a glass of grape juice, give Zach a graham cracker and we sit down and eat together, Zach flings rest o lucky charms off the table one by one with his cracker (Brownie our dog happily eats!), gets down and eats rest of cracker while watching power rangers with Bobby, I get dressed, pick up and have to stop when Zach comes to me with a bloody hand, wash it and find a scrape by his thumb?, put a band aid on and try to disover where he got it (boys aren't telling), find a broken glass on living room floor (no idea where Zach found it), pick up glass and vaccuum floor, add a few diaper changes, dishes, letting dog in and out and you have my morning from
7:15am-10am! I love Zach and I love his love of life, I just wish i had half his energy so I could keep up!