Bobby has refused to hold Madison until Monday night. His answer was always "when she is bigger". I think she just looked to fragile to him. Well Monday night Bobby, Zach, Madie an I were in my room while I got Madie ready for bed. Bobby looked at me and casually said "Mom I have never held her yet". So I asked him if he wanted to and he said yes! Of corse the camera was downstairs and he didn't want to wait till I could get it! So he held her for about 2 seconds then told me to take her back! He then proudly ran down to tell Jay that he had held her! Last night he wanted too hold her again and this time the camera was handy so I could capture the proud big brother smile as he held her (4 seconds this time!). Then when we got home from church tonight he wanted to not only hold her but feed her too! As you can see in the pictures he is about the proudest little boy around! I am the proudest Momma around too! He is so sweet with her and is always found next to her talking to her or just rubbing her head if she is sad! I hope he is always so protective of his little sister!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bobby and Madison
Bobby has refused to hold Madison until Monday night. His answer was always "when she is bigger". I think she just looked to fragile to him. Well Monday night Bobby, Zach, Madie an I were in my room while I got Madie ready for bed. Bobby looked at me and casually said "Mom I have never held her yet". So I asked him if he wanted to and he said yes! Of corse the camera was downstairs and he didn't want to wait till I could get it! So he held her for about 2 seconds then told me to take her back! He then proudly ran down to tell Jay that he had held her! Last night he wanted too hold her again and this time the camera was handy so I could capture the proud big brother smile as he held her (4 seconds this time!). Then when we got home from church tonight he wanted to not only hold her but feed her too! As you can see in the pictures he is about the proudest little boy around! I am the proudest Momma around too! He is so sweet with her and is always found next to her talking to her or just rubbing her head if she is sad! I hope he is always so protective of his little sister!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Madison Jean
Well Madison is already 3 1/2 months old! I don't know what happened to the time?! It seems like just yesterday I was counting the days until she would come and now she is almost 4 months! She is one of the happiest babies I have ever met! She is always ready with a smile and loves to "talk". She has been sleeping through the night since she was about 5 weeks old and I am very thankful! She loves to lay on the floor with her "fan club" (Bekah, Bobby, and Zach!) hovering above her! Her siblings adore her and love to make her smile and laugh! She is almost rolling from her back to her tummy! I don't think she realizes what she is doing and I think she is going to be totally surprised when it does happen! She has adjusted to the infant room in Promise Towne )and I have adjusted to dropping her off as well!). The ladies who care for her are great and she is spoiled while in their care! She has such a wonderful little personality and her smile lights up her entire face (and anyones who she smiles at!). She is a delight and we are so blessed to have her!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
Hello! I am writing to let you know about an exciting event happening on May 17, 2008 in Illinois. May is National PKU Awareness Month and throughout the month most states will be holding events to raise awareness and to raise money for research. Illinois is hosting a PKU Walk for research and will also have many activities and low protein food samples for the kids to enjoy. The Raitz family will be attending this event and would like to ask for your support. There are a few ways you can support us on this day… 1) Pray for beautiful weather 2) Pray for the people dedicating their time to researching ways to make life with PKU easier 3) consider donating to PKU research.
As many of you know our two youngest children (Zachary 3 ½ yrs, Madison 3 months) have a rare genetic disorder called Phenylketonuria (PKU). This disorder was discovered through routine newborn screening at the hospitals where they were born. If this simple test had not been done, the build up of phenylalanine or PHE (an amino acid in protein) would have started attacking their central nervous system. This build up would have done irreversible damage, leaving them mentally impaired and physically challenged.
There is no cure at this time. The treatment is primarily dietary consisting of medical formula and strict low protein diet (no milk, eggs, cheese, meat…) for life. The medical formula is covered by the State of Illinois but we must purchase special (and very costly) low protein foods from the few online companies that specialize in low protein foods.
We also do weekly (Madison) and bi-weekly (Zachary) blood tests at home to monitor their blood PHE levels. Based on the results their dietitian then adjusts their daily PHE intake. Zach and Madison both see genetic specialists at Children’s Memorial Hospital to monitor their development.
The FDA recently approved a new drug (KUVAN) that in some PKU patients allows a less restricted diet. Unfortunately, we just found out that Zachary is not a responder to this drug. Our prayer is that they will develop another drug/ treatment some day that will work for Zach and Madison, and allow them to experience a more liberal diet. In order for that to happen research needs to be done and unfortunately that is expensive!
Please consider donating to PKU research. All donations are tax deductible. If you are able at this time to donate please send checks (made payable to PKU Organization of IL) to us by May 15th for us to take to the walk or mail them to: PKU Organization of IL, P.O. Box 102, Palatine , IL 60078-0102 by May 31, 2008. For more information see .
Thank you in advance for your prayers and support for this very worth cause!
The Raitz Family
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