Tonite is the princesses recital! She is in two numbers, one for tap and one for ballett. Her rehersal on saturday went great! The girls all remembered their routines and looked very cute! I think Bekahs favorite part is she gets to wear makeup! I can't blieve how big she has gotten since the start of this year! She will be a kindergarten graduate tomorrow! Yesterday was her end of school party and I was looking at all the kids and was amazed at how much they have changed since school started in august! My baby girl will soon be in school all day everyday! I want to know where the time went? What happened to the little bundle I was handed in the hospital? When I asked the very question to Bekah she said "I grew up mom!" When I asked her who gave her permission to grow up so fast she was quick to reply "Jesus". She has gotten too smart for her own good sometimes!
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