Bekah has been bugging us for a sister for about 3 years now! It all started with Bobby being more interested in cars than playing dolls with her! Everytime we are in the store she will point out all the cute clothes for her sister. When I remind her that she has 2 brothers and no sister she says " well someday I'll have a sister!" I think as princess she thinks because she spoke it it will happen! I have asked her what she would do if God decided she was supposed to have another brother and she said " I prayed for a sister and heard Gods answer and he said Yes!" Her other answer to this question was " I prayed for twins, we will have another brother and a sister!" Now I am scared! I have gone back and forth about having another baby (my decesion depens on how well they are behaving!), and I think having another has won out ,but twins?! I just hope God answers the first prayer instead! I have 3 sisters and even though we have not always gotten along, I have loved having sisters and hope some day Bekah will enjoy having one as well! Oh well we will see if some day in the future God decides to bless us with another! For now though she is stuck with two brothers who love to play with her as much as they love to torment her!