The Raitz household had one crazy summer! I wish that meant we went to a lot of fun exciting places and that the kids will be talking about all the fun times for years to come! Unfortunately they will be talking about it but not in a "wow what a fun summer 2008 was", it will be more like "remember that summer "Daddy broke his foot and got an infection and Madie was in the hospital...". Things started to get crazy when Jay broke his foot/ankle on May 31 (for those of you who don't know it was our 11 year anniversary). He then had surgery a couple days later and ended up with a bad staph infection a month later! He was in the hospital for 2 nights and came home with an IV pic line that stayed for 2 weeks! I had to hook him up to IV meds every night! Never thought I would get nurse training! Just when I thought things were settling down, Jay was better, pic line out, no cast or boot and he went to camp with Elevate. He was home barely 24 hours and Madison was put in hospital for a staph infection from an infected pimple on her bottom! I forgot to mention we all passed around a stomach bug the week before Jay left for camp (I was lucky to get it the night before he left and Madie the day he left!!). She was in the hospital for 2 nights as well but was able to come home on oral meds (no pic line!) for 10 days. Jay is finally all better having just been released from his foot doctor and Madison is perfect and doesn't even remember the bad IV placed in her little arm. I wish I could forget it as well!
The summer officially ended for us this past tuesday at 8:20 am when Bekah (3rd grade) and Bobby (1st grade) got on the school bus. It was a fun and sad day. Fun because a new year is starting for them in school but sad cause now Bobby is gone all day! It was weird walking into PromiseTowne with just Zach and Madie! Zach is starting to feel it as well. He said tonight he misses Bobby in PromiseTowne. They are pretty good buddies (most of the time) and Zach is a bit lost without Bob there lead him along! I think it will be good for Zach to make his own friends though and be able to become his own person away from his older siblings. He has never really done anything without one of them there. This will force him to figure out who he is without being Bekah or Bobby's little brother.
So now we enter the fall season with the hope it is much duller than summer and much healthier as well!
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