We borrowed a friends camera at church the other day and walked around taking some cute pictures of the kids by the different decorated areas. They thought it was a great adventure! I couldn't believe how hard it was to get 3 kids to all look the same way and smile (nicely) at the same time! This picture is one of the few we got without goofy faces or poses! I wish we would of had a video camera as well to capture the whole process! I can't even imagine what it is going to be like when we have 4 to photograph!
The kids are growing so fast and changing by the minute! Bekah is 7 going on 17! She has already started to act like a teenager. I am hoping she will get it out of her system now and be a perfect teenager! Hey I can dream can't I?! Bobby is 5 and loving school. He has made a best friend and is learning things faster then I can keep track of! Zachary is 3 and all boy! He is enjoying his "speech school". He is making great progress with speech. He has all of a sudden lost the toddler look and is an official big kid! He is almost as tall as Bobby and only 2 pounds lighter! Our baby is growing fast and will soon make her apperance! We are eagerly awaiting her birth. We have for the time being decided on the name Madison. We thought Bekah, Bobby, Zachy, and Madie sounded cute together! We still have 8 weeks (give or take) to change our minds again, but for now she is Madie. I will keep you posted to the new arrivial to our zoo!